selenium automation testing Tue, 24 Jan 2023 08:26:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Best Practices for Selenium Testing Fri, 17 Jul 2020 15:09:26 +0000 selenium testing best practices

Selenium is an open-source, test automation tool that has become an important automation tool in the software quality assurance world. There are certain selenium testing best practices businesses should know and it is also necessary for selenium automation testers to follow them to enable effective test automation services. 6 Best Practices for Selenium Testing  

The post 6 Best Practices for Selenium Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.

selenium testing best practicesSelenium is an open-source, test automation tool that has become an important automation tool in the software quality assurance world. There are certain selenium testing best practices businesses should know and it is also necessary for selenium automation testers to follow them to enable effective test automation services.

6 Best Practices for Selenium Testing

Selenium testing best practices

The post 6 Best Practices for Selenium Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.

Selenium Testing Overview and Why Should Businesses Leverage It for Automation? Thu, 05 Mar 2020 15:31:15 +0000 Selenium tesing overview

Hi, In our continuing blog series on software test automation services, this week we have come up with a topic on “Selenium Testing” and this blog deep dives into its concepts. Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. Selenium provides a playback tool for authoring functional tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE).

The post Selenium Testing Overview and Why Should Businesses Leverage It for Automation? first appeared on TestingXperts.

Selenium tesing overview

Contents 1. An Introduction to Selenium Testing 2. What type of testing is selenium commonly used for? 3. What are the benefits of test automation? 4. What are the steps for Selenium testing? 5. What are the best practices for Selenium Testing? 6. Why should businesses prefer Selenium Automation Testing? 7. How to learn selenium automation testing? 8. Selenium vs QTP vs RFT 9. Conclusion

An Introduction to Selenium Testing

According to Wikipedia, Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications. Selenium provides a playback tool for authoring functional tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE).

Selenium Test

It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in several popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Ruby, and Scala.

Selenium is an open-source, test automation tool that has become an important automation tool in the software quality assurance world. This selenium testing tool consists of a different set of tools which include Selenium WebDriver, Selenium RC, Selenium IDE, and Selenium Grid, all of which have different features.

Selenium testing tool is a lightweight tool and is developer-friendly, commonly used for automating web applications.

Test automation using selenium webdriver with java, automation testing can be used in any operating system environment such as Windows, Linux, and OS X and was first developed by Jason Huggins in the year 2004.

Cross-browser testing in selenium is an effective selenium testing method used by testers and this tool is also used for web application testing. This selenium testing tool is composed of several components that provide different features.

What are the components of Selenium?

Selenium Testing
There are various components of selenium tool which provide different features that support multiple browsers, deliver parallel test capabilities and can be executed on multiple machines.

It has a suite of tools which cater to different needs of businesses and has the following components:

1. Selenium Remote Control (RC)

Selenium RC supports all major web browsers and this tool interprets commands to convert them into javascript and further these scripts are injected into the browser.

2. Selenium IDE (Selenium Integrated Development Environment)

Selenium IDE is a simple record and playback kind of tool which is available as an add-on for Firefox only.

3. Selenium WebDriver

Selenium WebDriver is one of the vital tools of the Selenium suite and it does not require any manual process like Selenium server and has direct communication between code and browser.

4. Selenium Grid

The Selenium grid is the last component of selenium suite and is used for parallel testing and sometimes even supports distributive testing.

What type of testing is selenium commonly used for?

selenium testing types

Selenium testing tool is commonly used to automate the testing across various web browsers. Cross-browser testing in selenium is most important as it supports various browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, and IE.

Selenium tool can be easily used to automate browser testing across these browsers using Selenium WebDriver.

Selenium testing tool is best suited with an automated testing selenium suite for all web applications across browsers. It delivers good results for all tests as it is an integral part of automation testing.

The complete suite of Selenium software is mainly used to automate web browsers effectively. Selenium UI testing is another testing method that can be done with this tool.

Selenium testing tool is available free of charge and is used for frequent regression testing. Selenium testing enables rapid feedback to developers, as bugs are identified quickly and efficiently. This tool typically supports unlimited iterations of test case execution.

Selenium testing framework supports agile and extreme development methodologies and enables customized defect reporting. Selenium automation testing is used for finding defects that have been undetected by manual testing.

Selenium tool also supports database testing using SQL commands and can be used to conduct database testing.

Web services testing in selenium and cross-browser testing in selenium are the most commonly used selenium testing services.

What are the benefits of test automation

There are many advantages businesses achieve by leveraging Test automation, and some of them are:

selenium automation
– Helps to find bugs at an early stage

– Testing becomes easy with pre-recorded and predefined actions

– It becomes simple and easy to compare test results to know the expected behavior

– Testing can be done from any device and any time even from remote locations

– Automated tests are reusable and are more accurate than manual test outcomes

– Testers can reuse the code on different versions of the software

– Shortens overall testing time when compared to manual testing

Lowers overall testing costs

– Ensures faster time to market

– Generates quicker ROI

What are the steps for Selenium testing?

Selenium testing steps
– Automate a smoke test or any functional test

– Develop the test automation framework

– Develop the test case

– Integrate the test case into a CI environment

– Establish proper logging and reporting for the developed test case

– Run the test cases through a Continuous Integration environment using Jenkins or any other CI tool

– When once test scripts are run and if they pass then that particular feature is developed and can be integrated into the product or application

But, the QA team should know what to automate using selenium WebDriver or using the Selenium test framework.

What are the best practices for Selenium Testing?

selenium testing best practices

Take stance of an application under test (AUT):

Businesses need to have first-hand information about the application under test. If it is a web application, then test automation selenium is the best choice.

Leverage page object model (POM):

This POM is a specific design pattern that has become popular in the world of test automation. It is a useful model as it enhances test maintenance and reduces code duplication.

Typically, a page object can be defined as an object-oriented class that categorically serves as an interface to a page of the AUT. These page object models and frameworks are comparatively more reliable and are easy to maintain.

Their test scripts are readable and are reusable. It also eliminates duplication altogether and hence POM is preferred over all other models.

Usage of right locators:

The selenium test framework best interacts with all browsers and ensures easy navigation which is achieved by using different types of locators. Some of these locators include Class, ID, Link Text, Xpath, CSS Selector and Tag Name and hence selecting the right locator is very important.

Tests should be independent of each other:

Tests should be kept as small as possible especially with agile and continuous DevOps processes in place. This type of small test eases the testing process.

Proper usage of Wait and Sleep commands is critical:

It is always preferred to use Wait() command.  Testers should make careful usage of implicit wait and explicit wait instead of using the Sleep() command. Overall the Sleep() command slows down the tests while with the Wait() command the test time is not affected.

Prefer using latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE):

The selenium testing automation framework is programmed with Java and hence it is important to use the latest version of JRE to avoid any run time errors.

Why should businesses prefer Selenium Automation Testing?

selenium automation testing services

1. Automation testing Selenium is available as an Open source, freeware and is available as a portable tool that has a great community support

2. Selenium testing tool supports many supporting languages such as Perl, Ruby, C#, PHP, JavaScript, Scala and almost all the other programming languages

3. Selenium is commonly used for cross-browser testing as it supports almost all browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera, HTMLUnit, PhantomJS, etc.

4. The most important aspect of the Selenium tool is that it integrates easily and effectively with many different development platforms such as Jenkins, ANT, Maven, TestNG, & QMetry

5. This selenium testing tool is portable across all platforms, languages and is highly flexible

6. Selenium automation testing falls perfectly into the principles of agile, DevOps, and continuous delivery

7. Automation framework selenium can be integrated with TestNG testing framework for applications testing and generates comprehensive reports

8. Another significant factor about selenium automation framework is that it can be successfully used for mobile application testing of native, cloud or web mobile apps. Selendroid is useful to test android apps exclusively

9. Selenium tool enables to record and playback options for testing web applications and can run multiple test scripts across various browsers

10. Selenium testing framework is highly useful for developers as they can analyze the code due to its screenshot property

11. The tests created by using the selenium tool for testing are easy to maintain and easy to repair the test suites of the application

With so many numerous advantages, this tool has become the most commonly used automation tool by test automation engineers and enterprises can leverage Selenium automated testing.

Selenium vs QTP vs RFT

What is QuickTest Professional (QTP)?

QTP is an automated testing tool that helps testers execute automated tests for identifying gaps, defects or errors in an application that is being tested. QTP uses the platform of Visual Basic scripting for carrying out the automation testing process.

A few of the tools offered by QTP are as follows:

• Configuration management tool

• Static analysis tool

• Test automation tool

• Performance testing tool

What is Rational Functional Testing (RFT)?

RFT is an object-oriented, automated, functional and regression testing tool. RFT helps to perform functional, GUI, regression and data-driven testing. RFT works well with a range of applications such as .Net, Java, Siebel, Ajax, PowerBuilder, SAP, Adobe PDF documents, Adobe flex, Windows, Silverlight.

QA teams leverage the potential of RFT to perform automated regression testing.

Difference between Selenium and QTP:

Selenium QTP
License is not required as Selenium is an open source tool License is required to work upon it
During the execution of test scripts, there is low resource consumption High resource consumption
Selenium supports Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, Mac and Solaris environments QTP supports only Windows environment
Selenium supports leading programming languages such as Java, C#, Perl, Ruby, Python, PHP and JavaScript BQTP supports only Visual Basic scripting
Selenium has its own object repository QTP doesn’t have its own object repository

Difference between Selenium and RFT:

Selenium RFT
High maintenance costs Low maintenance costs
Key feature of Selenium is Selenium grid Key feature of RFT is UI component tester
It’s an open source tool It’s a commercial tool
HPUFT- Selenium migration

How to learn selenium automation testing?

Selenium software testing has its importance in the world of test automation. Selenium tool is the most popular test automation tool being used by many software testers.

Initially, it is important to learn Java or any other language bindings (Java, C# or Ruby) basics followed by learning selenium IDE, and then gradually learn selenium WebDriver.

Selenium testing tutorial can also be leveraged to gain information about selenium automation testing. One can quickly grasp automation testing by leveraging various online channels and other modes to gain expertise on the selenium testing


Selenium is the most effective test automation tool for qa due to its wide range of features such as open source, supports many languages, integrates easily with many platforms, has cross browser support and is best suited to test web applications. Hence, businesses need to prefer selenium tool as a promising test automation tool for web applications testing. Automated selenium testing services by a next-gen testing services provider can be leveraged to achieve faster time to market, quicker ROI and get flawless applications.

Connect with our expert team to discuss your QA challenges and evaluate how we can bring value to your table. Get in touch with us by filling the form below.

The post Selenium Testing Overview and Why Should Businesses Leverage It for Automation? first appeared on TestingXperts.

10 Effective Practices to Follow for Selenium Automation Testing Thu, 05 Sep 2019 14:34:13 +0000 selenium automation testing

Contents 1. Why Your Business Should Prefer Selenium Automation Testing? 2. Key Features of Selenium Automation Testing Framework 3. Significance of Selenium Automation Testing 4. Best Practices of Selenium Automation Testing 5. Conclusion Software test automation is the key to success in today’s agile and DevOps processes, as the test automation tools and frameworks deliver … Continue reading "10 Effective Practices to Follow for Selenium Automation Testing"

The post 10 Effective Practices to Follow for Selenium Automation Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.

selenium automation testing

Contents 1. Why Your Business Should Prefer Selenium Automation Testing? 2. Key Features of Selenium Automation Testing Framework 3. Significance of Selenium Automation Testing 4. Best Practices of Selenium Automation Testing 5. Conclusion

Software test automation is the key to success in today’s agile and DevOps processes, as the test automation tools and frameworks deliver faster and quality releases due to accurate testing that is achieved with effective test scripts execution. Test automation tools are available as both open source tools and paid tools. Selenium tool is the most widely used open-source test automation tool. It is best suited for all web applications across browsers and delivers effective results for all tests and is an easy-to-use tool with numerous effective features.

Selenium has a suite of tools that function to meet the different needs of enterprises. Generally, there are four different suites of tools, they are:

selenium components

1. Selenium RC:

Selenium RC or the Selenium Remote Control was the first Selenium suite, that was known as JavaScript Executor earlier. Also, the tool is the main reason for the Selenium to become an important tool.

2. Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

It is a simple tool that comes as an add-on for Mozilla Firefox. The tool provides a good number of functionalities such as record and playback, prototype testing, and it can export the IDE test cases to any language.

3. Selenium WebDriver:

The most popular tool of Selenium Suite is WebDriver. This tool does not require any manual method like the Selenium Server. It helps to communicate directly between the browser and the code.

4. Selenium Grid:

This is the last component of selenium and is used for performing parallel or distributive testing. In addition to these functionalities, this tool allows executing test scripts on different machines across browsers and operating systems.

Why Your Business Should Prefer Selenium Automation Testing?

Key Features of Selenium Automation Testing Framework:

Selenium features

1.Open source availability:

Selenium is an open-source tool that is publicly accessible with no additional charges. With Selenium, it is easier to customize the code and enhance the quality of the predefined classes and functions.

2. Support for Language and Framework:

Selenium supports a good number of powerful programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, Perl, and C#. Also, to help the test script writings for selenium test automation, every supporting language has dedicated frameworks.

3. Ease of Implementation:

Selenium automation framework is easy to use the tool. The interface helps in the creation and execution of test scripts.

4. Continuous Upgrades and Updates:

Selenium is supported by many active communities. This results selenium to get updated with frequent or constant releases. The best outcome for having an active community is that the upgrades are easily accessible and understandable for any user. Selenium is the best tool when compared to other tools as it provides several features with the zero-cost requirement.

5. Parallel Test Execution:

This feature of Selenium helps to save the efforts and time of the testing teams. This tool helps to execute multiple tests in parallel which results in reduced test execution time.

6. Flexibility:

In the lifecycle of testing, test management is important to make the practice of testing efficient. With the features of regrouping and refactoring of the test cases, the usage of the Selenium tool helps the testers and developers to perform quick changes in the code. Thus, this feature reduces the complications, duplications and improves maintenance.

7. Multi-browser support:

Selenium is compatible with many browsers. It is compatible with Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and other browsers. Therefore, there is no need for the tester to rewrite the scripts for each browser separately and hence one script is suitable for all browsers.

8. Highly-Portable language:

An automation tool needs to support the different operating systems that are used by enterprises. And, when selenium is used as the automation tool, there is no hindrance as the tool supports different operating systems such as Linux, Mac, Windows, UNIX, OS, etc.

Significance of Selenium Automation Testing:

Selenium automation testing tool is available as open-source and with its ease of use, selenium continues to be the most preferred for test automation. Primarily, it is used for automating web applications as it is quick and easy to use record and playback features. Additionally, the tests can be coded in multiple programming languages and executed across various web browsers and operating systems. Further, it supports to export the scripts that are recorded to other languages such as Java, C#, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP. Interestingly, there are certain best practices for test automation framework that enterprises should adopt to leverage best results with test automation.


10 Best Practices of Selenium Automation Testing Framework:

1. Understand the Application at First Place:

It is utmost important for enterprises to have a first-hand understanding of the application to be tested. If automation is required for a web application, then selenium tool can be effectively used. In addition, it is also essential to know about the underlying technologies being used. In case of desktop applications, it is essential to check if any third party controls are involved and have an evaluation of the language used to build that application.

2. Adopt Page Object Model (POM):

This is a popular test automation design pattern that helps to develop robust automation testing frameworks which are resistant to any small tweaks made in the user interface. The major benefit with this page object model is that it enhances test maintenance and reduces the duplication in code. In these models, the web pages are defined as classes and the different elements on the page become the variables and the user interactions are commonly implemented as methods. The POM frameworks are comparatively more reliable and are easy to maintain. The scripts are readable and the test scripts are reusable. It also eliminates duplicity altogether and hence POM is preferred over other models.

3. Adhere to the usage of Right Locators:

At the heart of selenium frameworks is interaction with the browser allowing to navigate, click, type, and check different objects. This all is achieved using different types of locators. These locators include Class, ID, Link Text, Xpath, CSS Selector and Tag Name. Thus, selecting the right locators is utmost important

4. Keep the Tests Independent of Each other:

Independent testing strategy wherein testing a single action or process is independent of the other. This type of testing avoids chained and brittle tests. Hence, tests should be kept as small as possible especially automated functional testing in agile and Continuous integration DevOps models on the go it is always suitable to maintain small tests.

5. Prefer to use Wait command in place of Thread. Sleep:

It is always preferred to use Wait command and it is more important to understand the usage of implicit wait and explicit wait instead of using the Sleep command. This Sleep command waits until the defined time even after the task is completed; while wait command performs the actual time to wait. Sleep command slows down the test while with the Wait, the test time is not affected.

6. Use Selenium for System Functional testing:

Automation testing framework using Selenium is best suited when the same test and the same code is used for different inputs. It is most preferred for system functional testing as well as for browser compatibility testing.

7. Prefer to Use Java Runtime Environment (JRE):

The Selenium server is programmed with Java and hence it is important to use latest version of JRE to avoid any run time errors.

8. Ensure proper communication between QA, Developers, and Operations teams:

With the agile and DevOps methodologies on the go, it is important to have proper collaboration between various teams of QA, developers and operations to achieve successful selenium testing.

9. Follow a Proper Test Naming Strategy:

It is often observed that there is a tendency for complex applications to have a number of automated test cases. If the tests are not named properly, then it may take a longer time to understand the test and it takes longer time to understand the scenarios. Therefore, to avoid such scenarios, it is important to save the test names wisely based on the scenarios. This will help to identify the test scenario by reading the name itself.

10. Hire a Dedicated Automation Engineer:

It is important for enterprises to ensure their selenium for automation testing is done by experienced selenium test automation engineers. In order to get the best practice for selenium testing, you can choose and opt an experienced automation engineer from an independent testing services provider. This helps to realize the complete benefits of test automation.

Migration from HP UFT to Selenium Automation testing


Enterprises should prefer Selenium as a promising test automation tool for automating all their web applications due to its enhanced features. Leverage our customized selenium test automation frameworks to achieve faster time to market and quicker ROI along with assured quality results. Connect with our testing experts today!

The post 10 Effective Practices to Follow for Selenium Automation Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.

Top 5 Testing Strategies to Overcome Digital Disruption in the Banking Sector Wed, 06 Jun 2018 11:22:03 +0000 banking sector strategies

Contents 1. What is Digital Disruption in the Banking Sector 2. Top Strategies to Overcome Digital Disruption What is Digital Disruption in the Banking Sector Digital disruption has been occurring at every level in the banking sector lately. From newer technology to high competition to intensified customer expectations, the banking industry has become increasingly vulnerable. … Continue reading "Top 5 Testing Strategies to Overcome Digital Disruption in the Banking Sector"

The post Top 5 Testing Strategies to Overcome Digital Disruption in the Banking Sector first appeared on TestingXperts.

banking sector strategies


1. What is Digital Disruption in the Banking Sector 2. Top Strategies to Overcome Digital Disruption

What is Digital Disruption in the Banking Sector

Digital disruption has been occurring at every level in the banking sector lately. From newer technology to high competition to intensified customer expectations, the banking industry has become increasingly vulnerable. Digital technology, despite its omnipresence, is beginning to penetrate industries. Banks are finding innovative ways to evade the impending risks associated with digital banking. The efficient way to understand and successfully bring the organization from traditional banking to digital banking is by adopting an Omni-Channel approach. Omni-channel is an approach to customer service where all the channels are closely integrated, keeping the customer as the priority.

So how does a banking organization survive in the face of digital disruption? Though there are no secret sauces or magic wands, there are just simple testing strategies for digital disruption that can help banking organizations prepare for the unavoidable change on the horizon. In this infographic, we will discuss those strategies in detail.

Top Strategies to Overcome Digital Disruption

banking sector infographics

Want to Download this Infographic? Click here

The post Top 5 Testing Strategies to Overcome Digital Disruption in the Banking Sector first appeared on TestingXperts.

Achieve Next-Level of QA Innovations with Domain Specialization Mon, 28 May 2018 08:56:39 +0000 qa-innovations-with-domain-specialization

Contents 1. Role of Quality Assurance 2. Domain Specialization and QA 3. Advantages of Domain Specialization in QA 4. Conclusion Role of Quality Assurance Quality Assurance practices over the past years have experienced many waves of innovation, be it test automation or methods to optimize testing. With changing times, the QA function as we knew … Continue reading "Achieve Next-Level of QA Innovations with Domain Specialization"

The post Achieve Next-Level of QA Innovations with Domain Specialization first appeared on TestingXperts.


Contents 1. Role of Quality Assurance 2. Domain Specialization and QA 3. Advantages of Domain Specialization in QA 4. Conclusion

Role of Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance practices over the past years have experienced many waves of innovation, be it test automation or methods to optimize testing. With changing times, the QA function as we knew it transformed and the focus shifted to:

– Meeting the essential compliance and regulatory standards

– Requirements coverage referring to code coverage

– Giving utmost importance to customer experience

Earlier, QA industry had a horizontal focus and was indifferent to business domains. However, it is turning out to be an industry where domain specialization is a must. Therefore, QA teams need to have profound knowledge of the business domain while testing an application. For QA teams to be considered as quality gatekeepers, their understanding of the domain must be up to the required standard.

Domain Specialization and QA

Domain knowledge can add an advantage to the testing project by helping testers to prioritize the features for test execution and exercise underlying business rules. Domain specialized experts can test an application in the most anticipated way, according to the end user perspective. Domain knowledge can help Quality Assurance teams achieve multiple benefits throughout the Software Development Lifecycle.

Advantages of Domain Specialization in QA

Here is the list of the advantages of having domain specialization:

Domain Specialization Testing Services

1. Quick requirement analysis:

Having a domain specialization helps identify gaps in the requirements, ensures better coverage from business functionality perspective and enables early identification of defects through static testing.

2. Better user story development:

A QA with good domain knowledge can help the product owner by writing better user stories and defining better acceptance criteria.

3. Builds capability:

Domain knowledge helps a QA engineer to have a better view of the product. Without proper domain knowledge, defects in the underlying business rules can remain uncovered in the preliminary stage of testing, causing problems during the final or release stage.

4. Thorough understanding of technical terminology:

An engineer who completely understands the domain can detect issues early as compared to a novice in domain knowledge. A proper understanding of the technical terminology will help the tester to describe the problem and design edge case scenarios accurately.

5. Helps in prioritizing bug fixes:

With proper knowledge, the tester will have a clear idea of how to prioritize the bug fixes and can guide rest of the development team. While planning the bug fixes, the tester will not just save cost and time but will also enhance the overall product a quality in cost-effective manner.

6. Reduces training time:

Domain specialization can increase the overall productivity of the team and add better value to the final product.  Having prior knowledge of the domain will reduce the training time, resulting in quicker results. Proper knowledge of the flow of the business processes helps in achieving a better understanding of the product requirements.

7. Boosts the productivity of the team:

Domain specialists are in demand due to their ability to understand the application beyond finding bugs. Having domain knowledge can help in suggesting and implementing fixes in crucial times. This not only saves time, but also increases the productivity of the team.

Test coverage analysis in software testing


Emphasizing on domain specialization in QA is bridging the gap between business users and the IT teams, thus increasing the relevance of the work product delivered to the end user. Domain specialization is creating a platform for innovation by evolving the QA practices.

TestingXperts’ domain-based testing team of QA professionals have extensive experience in the latest technologies across various business verticals such as Healthcare, Insurance, Manufacturing, logistics, Banking and Financial Services, etc. While being well versed in the latest testing trends, TestingXperts’ team come with great domain knowledge and skill sets. TestingXperts’ domain-based testing ensures delivery of the expected services and enables the higher customer satisfaction.

The post Achieve Next-Level of QA Innovations with Domain Specialization first appeared on TestingXperts.

Ensure Software Quality by Achieving Maximum Test Coverage Mon, 21 May 2018 15:27:35 +0000 software-test-quality

Software quality has become indispensable, and test coverage is one of the key indicators to measure software quality. Test coverage is an essential part of software maintenance and assists testers in creating tests that cover areas that are missing or not reachable easily. Contents 1. Test Coverage and Code Coverage 2. How to attain more … Continue reading "Ensure Software Quality by Achieving Maximum Test Coverage"

The post Ensure Software Quality by Achieving Maximum Test Coverage first appeared on TestingXperts.


Software quality has become indispensable, and test coverage is one of the key indicators to measure software quality. Test coverage is an essential part of software maintenance and assists testers in creating tests that cover areas that are missing or not reachable easily.

Contents 1. Test Coverage and Code Coverage 2. How to attain more Test Coverage in less time 3. Test Coverage Metrics and Best Practices 4. Best Practices of Test Coverage 5. Conclusion

Test Coverage and Code Coverage

Test coverage is often confused with Code Coverage. Although both metrics are used to evaluate the quality of application code, code coverage is a term to describe what percentage of the application code is exercised when a user is interacting with the application. Test Coverage, on the other hand, is testing every business requirement at least once and is clearly a QA team activity.

How to attain more Test Coverage in less time

Testers are always running on a tight schedule and have to focus on ensuring maximum coverage within the stipulated time primarily. In order to achieve this, there are few methods described below:

• Using Automation Tools: One of the modern testing methods any company or any testing group can adopt is the usage of the right Automation Tool. Nowadays, there are plenty of tools in the market, making a testers life easy. One must identify the right testing tool for the application.

• Maintain Proper Checklist:

Maintaining a proper checklist for every communication under the given module/tasks can help in achieving efficient task coverage.

• Prioritizing Requirements:

Prioritization of requirements is one thing which is a must to achieve maximum test coverage in less time. Segregating the given requirements into Simple, Medium, and Complex priorities allow testers to focus vigorously on their tasks. More focus should be on the new requirements that are going LIVE in the next release.

• Impact Analysis:

Identifying impacts in the preliminary builds and consequently increasing the need for eradication of these impacts can help accomplish high coverage in the upcoming builds.

• Build Management:

The test manager should keep track of all the impacts and fixes in the current build and should ensure QA receive clean build with efficient fixes.

Test Coverage Metrics and Best Practices


• Code coverage = (Number of lines of code exercised by the test suites)/(total number of lines of code)*100

• Requirement coverage = [(Total number of requirements) – (Total number of missed requirements)]/(Total number of requirements)*100

Best Practices of Test Coverage

• Segregate the business requirements/modules as per their criticality, frequency of use and most complex workflows.

• Develop a requirement traceability matrix for the modules/requirements.

• Utilize the test coverage as a measure for “untested paths” instead of “false sense of security.

• Develop automated suites using frameworks integrated with code coverage utilities.

• Measure the code coverage for each release and plan to improve it with every subsequent release.

• Utilize the metrics like ‘Defect density’, ‘feature wise defect distribution’ and ‘Defect removal efficiency’ as a guide to ensure improved coverage for subsequent releases.

ated software & QA testing services


Testing is indispensable; we are aware of the fact. Therefore a tester should pay heed to every aspect of the requirement specification and plan a test strategy accordingly. A test can never be complete without proper attention to the several requirements because a product must deliver what is expected of it.

Maximum test coverage is certain when a tester is completely prepared with the test plan, test strategy, test cases, etc. With a strategic approach, one may progress towards achieving the desired objectives. Connect with us to find out more about TestingXperts’ capabilities around QA, testing, and test coverage analysis.

The post Ensure Software Quality by Achieving Maximum Test Coverage first appeared on TestingXperts.

Why GDPR Training is a MUST for Software Developers and Testers- Infographic Fri, 18 May 2018 11:28:33 +0000 gdpr-training-software-tester

GDPR compliance Testing With the GDPR in force from 25 May 2018, companies must comply with new requirements for EU data protection. As digital business inflates and customers increase their online activities, privacy protection and security is more important than ever. Enterprises that can better respond to the requirements of GDPR, and can do this … Continue reading "Why GDPR Training is a MUST for Software Developers and Testers- Infographic"

The post Why GDPR Training is a MUST for Software Developers and Testers- Infographic first appeared on TestingXperts.


GDPR compliance Testing

With the GDPR in force from 25 May 2018, companies must comply with new requirements for EU data protection. As digital business inflates and customers increase their online activities, privacy protection and security is more important than ever. Enterprises that can better respond to the requirements of GDPR, and can do this before their competitors, have an incredible opportunity to build more trust among customers and build a positive business reputation.

This new regulation also has a serious impact on the development and software testing of new systems, creating a roadblock in the process of digital transformation. Corresponding to this current situation, it is essential that software developers and testers have complete knowledge of what impact GDPR has on their business.

In this infographic, we have stated four key reasons why GDPR training is equally important for software developers and testers.


Updated on 31 Jan 2020

The post Why GDPR Training is a MUST for Software Developers and Testers- Infographic first appeared on TestingXperts.

Migration from HP UFT to Selenium – What are the Returns? Mon, 30 Jan 2017 13:41:57 +0000 HP-UFT-Selenium

Test Automation has been facilitating enterprises to accelerate the process of testing and realize maximum test coverage. Enterprises have made significant investments over a period of time in buying tools and building test automation suites. As the application landscapes grow more complex with the introduction and expansion of digital systems, the licensing costs for COTS … Continue reading "Migration from HP UFT to Selenium – What are the Returns?"

The post Migration from HP UFT to Selenium – What are the Returns? first appeared on TestingXperts.


Test Automation has been facilitating enterprises to accelerate the process of testing and realize maximum test coverage. Enterprises have made significant investments over a period of time in buying tools and building test automation suites. As the application landscapes grow more complex with the introduction and expansion of digital systems, the licensing costs for COTS tools become increasingly high to justify the RoI.

Contents 1. What is HP UFT? 2. What is Selenium? 3. Migration from HP UFT to Selenium 4. Difference between UFT and Selenium 5. Migrating to Selenium? Know its Challenges 6. How to Migrate from UFT to Selenium 7. How Can TestingXperts Help?

What is HP UFT?

UFT stands for Unified Functional Testing. Initially, it was commonly known as QTP (Quick Test Professional). UFT or the QTP is the automated functional testing tool developed by Micro Focus. In this tool, automated test cases are used to identify bugs in an application; also, it is primarily used for testing on service, functional and regression. With a planned automation testing practice using UFT, a tester can enhance the application development and reduce the cost and time.

The latest version of this tool is HP UFT 11.5; and it supports several languages and platforms such as SAP, Oracle, Web, .Net, web services, etc.

Features of UFT

  • This tool can support for Windows 8.1 and Windows server 2012; run tests on safari browser
  • This tool supports latest technologies such as XenDesktop 7, JDK 1.8, and SAP Web Dynpro ABAP
  • This tool supports to record, run tests and create object repositories with Windows Runtime Application
  • The UFT extension which is available on Chrome can receive updates automatically
  • This tool can be used by both technical and non-technical testers
  • The testing is completely based on scripting language VB script
  • This tool enables to test the cases of both desktop and web applications

What is Selenium?

Selenium is an open-source test automation tool for testing web applications across different browsers and platforms. There are many such tools available but this tool is becoming a choice for many enterprises because of its speed and efficiency. This allows the tester to use multiple programming languages like C#, Python, Java, etc. for creating Selenium test scripts.

Features of Selenium

This tool is an open-source and portable web testing framework

  • It is simple to understand and easy to use interface
  • This tool supports different browsers, operating systems, and programming languages
  • It can get integrated with frameworks like Ant and Maven for source code compilation
  • Selenium Remote Control, which is in conjunction with WebDriver API known as Selenium 2.0 supports vibrant web pages and Ajax
  • It can get integrated with automation testing frameworks like TestNG to generate reports and application testing
  • The different commands that are categorized in different classes make any user easily understand and implement
  • This tool supports parallel execution and thus enhances the efficiency of the tests and decreases the testing time
  • Compared to other automation tools, selenium requires less amount of resources
  • The playback and record feature of Selenium IDE helps to authorize tests without the requirement of learning test scripting languages
  • There is no need for server installation for the web driver. There is a direct interaction between the test scripts and the browser

Migration from HP UFT to Selenium

Nowadays enterprises are progressively inclining towards open source frameworks instead of investing in licensed testing tool, especially for digital applications for which open source tools provide excellent support. Open source performance testing tools are loaded with significant features that allow swift automation testing of software applications, including web portals, mobile applications, and APIs.

HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is and has been an eminent force in the test automation space. However, Selenium seems to be quickly gaining supporters and becoming a more proficient open source entrant for digital applications. There are various visible distinctions between every testing tool that makes picking one or the other a forthright decision in most cases.

Difference between UFT and Selenium

Testing Applicability:

Selenium is mainly for testing web-based applications whereas UFT(HP Unified Functional Testing) can test desktop and client-server applications as well.


Selenium is a totally free open source download and will always remain like this whereas, UFT requires a license fee for procurement and additional fees for add-ons and upgrades.

OS Compatibility:

UFT works only on windows whereas selenium works on all major OSs including Linux, OSX, Windows, Android, Solaris and, iOS.

Language Compatibility:

Selenium tests can be written in languages such as JavaScript, Perl, PHP, and Java whereas UFT tests are only written in Microsoft’s VB Script.

Cloud Ready:

Selenium grid is precisely designed to run simultaneous tests on different machines with different operating systems and using different browsers in parallel making it a perfect match for cloud-based testing services. Whereas, UFT has a one machine/ one-script execution model which cannot make an efficient use of distributed test execution with cloud infrastructure.


There is an in-built object repository in HP-UFT, whereas there is no object-repository in Selenium. But, the object is managed with the help of UI element user extension.

Ease of Execution:

Selenium can execute multiple tests simultaneously on a single machine whereas UFT tests one application per machine.

Active User Community:

Selenium is having an active user community, but it doesn’t have a dedicated team to support the users; whereas the UFT tool provides the facility of dedicated technical team to support the users. Also, there are paid services that can effectively help in resolving the issues faster.

Migrating to Selenium? Know its Challenges

Selenium is filled with advantages, but it also comes with some technical restrictions:

It is not uniformly compatible across all browsers; Selenium is most compatible with Firefox. Therefore, the scripts developed for Firefox might need some modifications to run in Chrome or IE.

It does not come with an inherent support for data-driven testing.

There is a limited dialog-box support.

It is harder to accomplish image-based tests

Coding is required for HTML tables and other elements.

These challenges can be taken care of with the help of frameworks compatible with Selenium. Though, they may add upfront development cost and effort while integrating or developing with a framework like this. It is advisable to look for already available proven Selenium frameworks with partners/ other internal teams rather than building one ground up.

also-read: migration-from-hp-uft-to-selenium

How to Migrate from UFT to Selenium

Leverage specialist capabilities from partners/ internal teams with experience in Selenium frameworks and UFT to Selenium migration

Identify key UFT assets, the criticality of test automation suites, current investments, and RoI

Assess the technical capabilities and of the team and choose a scripting language for the Selenium framework

Select a test suite for POC and migrate sample scripts to Selenium

Take learning from the POC forward and expand the conversion to Selenium gradually

Optimize scripts for reliability, maintainability, and performance

Execute Selenium and UFT scripts in parallel, validate and sign-off

How Can TestingXperts Help?

TestingXperts has a ready solution for converting up to 60-70% of your UFT scripts to Selenium in an automated manner. Our Test Automation framework, Tx-Automate which is an ‘out-of-the-box’ solution for Test automation providing customized reports and various third party integrations. With the experience of executing multiple UFT to Selenium projects along with the ready accelerators, Tx can help you significantly reduce your tool licensing costs, increase release velocity and achieve faster feedback with continuous integration and deployment.

The post Migration from HP UFT to Selenium – What are the Returns? first appeared on TestingXperts.
